Online Event
Date : April 28, 2020
Time : 13:00 -
Cost : Free
Time : 13:00 -
Cost : Free
Women in Law Japan is dedicated to providing its members with ongoing events notwithstanding the present restrictions in place about gatherings face-to-face. Women in Law Japan is therefore delighted to partner with Ashurst to deliver a Resilience & Wellbeing Webinar.
Registered guests will receive a unique link to access the live webinar. Webinar participants will be able to view the presenter, as well as slides, and will also be able to interact with the live webinar by sending questions or comments via a message box.
Tristan Blom, a Learning and Organisational Development Manager at Ashurst will conduct the webinar. In addition to being a former litigation lawyer, Tristan is a facilitator, executive coach, leadership development consultant and has a special passion for wellbeing in the law.
This event is open to all genders. The webinar will be in English.
We would like to thank Ashurst for kindly hosting this event and look forward to seeing you all there (albeit virtually!)
ご存知の通り、現在は直接人と会うことが難しくなっていますが、そんな時でもWomen in Law Japan は会員の皆様にイベントをお届けします。Women in Law Japanはこの度、Ashurst法律事務所と提携し、レジリエンス&健康ウェビナーを開催します。
Ashurst法律事務所でLearning and Organisational Development Managerを務めるTristan Blomがウェビナーを⾏います。訴訟弁護士の経験を持つTristanは、現在はファシリテーター、エグゼクティブ・コーチ、リーダーシップ育成コンサルタントとして活躍中です。その中でも、特にリーガル分野における心身の健康(ウェルビーイング)に注目しています。
Registered guests will receive a unique link to access the live webinar. Webinar participants will be able to view the presenter, as well as slides, and will also be able to interact with the live webinar by sending questions or comments via a message box.
Tristan Blom, a Learning and Organisational Development Manager at Ashurst will conduct the webinar. In addition to being a former litigation lawyer, Tristan is a facilitator, executive coach, leadership development consultant and has a special passion for wellbeing in the law.
This event is open to all genders. The webinar will be in English.
We would like to thank Ashurst for kindly hosting this event and look forward to seeing you all there (albeit virtually!)
Resilience and wellbeing
Whilst wellbeing in the law has always been an area of focus, recent global events make it ever more important to be kind to ourselves, to each other, and to create organizations and mindsets in which people can thrive and flourish.
This webinar will first explore what resilience is, and how you can take a systems approach to building it. We will then look at several practical, evidence-based tips to help build your own resilience and manage stress – with a particular emphasis on tips other legal professionals have found useful. Finally, we will look at what help you can access, and how we can look after each other.
Whilst wellbeing in the law has always been an area of focus, recent global events make it ever more important to be kind to ourselves, to each other, and to create organizations and mindsets in which people can thrive and flourish.
This webinar will first explore what resilience is, and how you can take a systems approach to building it. We will then look at several practical, evidence-based tips to help build your own resilience and manage stress – with a particular emphasis on tips other legal professionals have found useful. Finally, we will look at what help you can access, and how we can look after each other.
ご存知の通り、現在は直接人と会うことが難しくなっていますが、そんな時でもWomen in Law Japan は会員の皆様にイベントをお届けします。Women in Law Japanはこの度、Ashurst法律事務所と提携し、レジリエンス&健康ウェビナーを開催します。
Ashurst法律事務所でLearning and Organisational Development Managerを務めるTristan Blomがウェビナーを⾏います。訴訟弁護士の経験を持つTristanは、現在はファシリテーター、エグゼクティブ・コーチ、リーダーシップ育成コンサルタントとして活躍中です。その中でも、特にリーガル分野における心身の健康(ウェルビーイング)に注目しています。
This event has ended.