Real Event

Round Table Discussion: Navigating the International and Local Legal Market

Date : February 07, 2024
Time : 5:30PM-7:45PM
Cost : Free
Women in Law Japan with the leading members of the International Committee from the three Tokyo Bar Associations (Tokyo Bar Association, Dai Ichi And Dai Ni Tokyo Bar Associations) will hold a round table discussion to share ideas on how to break barriers in the Japan legal market, promote your skills, and excel in both the Japan and International legal market.

Participants are welcome to observe the round table discussion and questions at the end of the event. Seating for the audience is limited so RSVP as soon as you can.

The round table discussion will be followed by a networking event for all the participants.

Meet our Speakers:

Keiko Ohara
Kamiyacho International Law Office

-Committee on Foreign Lawyers and International Legal Practice, Japan Federation of Bar Associations (2001 to Present) (2017 to 2020, Chair)
-Save the Children Japan, Auditor (2017 to Present)
-Financial Partners Group Co., Ltd., Director (Member of the Board) (2018 to Present)
-Fuji Kyuko Co., Ltd., Director (Member of the Board) (2019 to Present)
-Taisei Corporation, Audit & Supervisory Board Member (2020 to Present)

Daisuke Yuki
Nozomi Sogo Attorneys at Law

-Admitted in Japan and New York. Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
-Vice Chair of the International Committee of Daini Tokyo Bar Association (Chair 2017~2018)
-Vice Chair of the International Committee of Japan In-house Lawyers Association (JILA)
-International Bar Association: Anti-Corruption Committee Officer(since 2019)
-Board member of Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Japan (ACFE JAPAN) (since 2016)

Michael A. Mueller
Mueller Foreign Law Office

-Berlin Bar Association
-Tokyo Bar Association
-Chairman of Tokyo Bar Association’s International Committee (2020-2023)
-International Exchange Committee of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA), Head of German Project Team
-Alliance of German Business Lawyers in Asia (ADWA)