Real Event

Exploring and Managing Stress in the Legal Profession

Date : September 06, 2017
Time : 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Cost : ¥3,000

Women in Law Japan is excited to announce our fifth event of the year on Wednesday, 6th September 2017.

Clifford Chance Tokyo
3F Palace Building, 1-1-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-kuTokyoJapan
>> Map

A participation fee of JPY 3,000 to be collected at the door. If you require a physical receipt for this fee, please indicate this in your RSVP email.

We have partnered with TELL Japan Wellness to present this event on exploring and managing stress in the legal profession. Tom Wada will lead us in a Yoga / Meditation exercise which will be a real treat.

This event is open to all genders, provided that they RSVP without fail by following the instructions below. We are expecting a full-house, so please register early to avoid any disappointment. The venue capacity is 60.

Thank you very much to Clifford Chance for hosting this event and making it possible through their generous donation towards the cost of this event.

Harnessing this thing called stress – poison or spice?

We all have stress in our lives, from an argument with a partner, to being late to pick up the kids from school, a deadline at work that is just impossible to meet, challenging personalities in the office, or late night conference calls. This is life in the 21st century. While we know that stress is a growing concern around the world and costs billions of dollars in health care and lost productivity at work, is all stress bad and why is the prevalence greater in the legal profession? This presentation will explore this thing called stress, help you identify the sources of stress in your life, explore ways of managing stress both in the workplace and in your personal lives, look at gender differences in coping, and help you put more spice and less distress in your lives.

Everyone will get a TELL stress ball to take away with them along with a TELL Stressless booklet.

本年第5回目となるWomen in Law Japanのイベントを2017年9月6日(水)に開催いたします。

TELL Japanと共に法律業界におけるストレスについて一緒に考え、どのように対応するかを考えたいと思います。和田トムさんがリードするヨガ・メディテーション・セッションも行いますので楽しみにして下さい!

本イベントは女性に限らず、すべての性別の皆様にご参加いただけます。先着順にて登録をさせていただきます。本イベントの定員は 60名となります。
会費は当日現金にて¥ 3,000を頂戴します。紙ベースでの領収書が必要な方は参加表明のメールにその旨ご記載頂きますよう、お願い致します。


毒?それともスパイス? – ストレスをどのようにお考えでしょうか。



Speakers / 講演者のご紹介

Vickie Skorji
Bachelor of Behavioral Sciences, La Trobe University
Master in Counseling , Monash University

Vickie Skorji has specialist training in neuropsychology and Acquired Brain Injury in both hospital and rehabilitation settings. Prior to moving to Tokyo she managed an Acquired Brain Injury Support Service in Australia, supporting families and individuals with a variety of neurological conditions such as dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and migraine. She has developed and run carer education training courses, carer weekend retreats and published a resource book for carers of people with neurological conditions or Acquired Brain Injury. She has developed and given both workplace and community presentations on carer needs, stress management and stroke prevention. More recently her interests and presentations have included cultural adjustment, adolescent issues in Japan, work life balance and suicide prevention.


Michael Nevans
TELL’s Director of Clinical Services
B.A. at the University of California, San Diego
M.A. at University of San Diego

Michael Nevans served as Clinical Director of Residential and Detox Services at a substance abuse treatment center in California, where he supervised 30 employees and led teams across six departments before joining TELL. As a clinician, Nevans utilizes a client-centered therapy approach, employing tools from EMDR, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Bowenian Family Therapy, and Solution Focused Therapy. He has experience with short-term and long-term case management, including coordination with outside health providers and community agencies.

マイケル・ネヴァンスは、カリフォルニア州の薬物乱用治療センターで解毒・デトックス・サービス施設の臨床ディレクターを務め、TELL入社以前には6つの部門に渡ってそれぞれのチームの従業員30人を監督・指導しました。 マイケルは、臨床医として、EMDRのツール、認知行動療法、ボーエン家族療法、および解決思考短期療法等の療法を駆使し、患者中心の治療アプローチを行っています。 彼は、医療機関や地域機関との調整を含む、短期および長期の症例マネージメントの経験があります。

Personal Yoga / Meditation Trainer

Tom was born in Japan and raised in Chicago. He works with individuals and organizations on ways to reduce stress and realize mindfulness using yoga and breathing techniques to enhance productivity. His methodology integrates Ashtanga, Bikram and Hatha yoga as well as Vipassana meditation and he received the RYT200 certification in Dharamshala India, and has studied under John Scott and Ken Harakuma.

Yoga not only brings flexibility to your body, it can help calm the mind and raise creativity in your life and work. Many studies have proven that yoga and meditation are great compliments to a busy daily lifestyle.

Tom believes that one source of stress in modern life is the division between body and spirit. His unique English/Japanese instruction seeks to heal this division by helping clients join Yang (energetic) and Yin (calming) giving life and body more power, direction and energy.

Tom’s unique technique introduces meditation by incorporating partner work and a before/after test which allows students to actually see and feel relaxation – the gateway to meditation. Students can easily learn this tangible technique and apply them to their daily life.

For more info please check out:

和田トムは日本で生まれ、シカゴで育ちました。彼は現代の人々のストレスを軽減し、生産性を高められるよう、ヨガや呼吸法を用いてマインドフルネスを実現する方法について、個人や各種企業、団体へ提案やサポートを行っています。トムのメソッドは、Ashtanga・アシュタンガ, Bikram・ビクラム, Hatha・ハタ ヨガとVipassana・ヴィパッサナー式の瞑想が統合されたもので、アシュタンガ・ヨガで有名な、ジョン・スコットと日本のヨガ第一人者として名高いKen Harakuma・ケン ハラクマのもとで学び、インドのDharamshala・ダラムサラにてRYT200の認定を取得しています。


トムは、現代生活におけるストレスの原因のひとつは、心・精神と体の分裂であると考えています。彼ならではの英語と日本語による指導では、Yang・陽(energetic・エネルギー) and Yin・陰 (calming静寂)のバランスを整えることにより、生活と体へ活力を与え、エネルギーへと導いてくれます。


詳しい情報は、 tomyoga.namaste.jpをご覧ください。

About TELL Japan

TELL is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing world-class, effective support and counseling services to Japan’s international community as well as helping to address the country’s growing mental health care needs.

TELL aims to be a leader in services and education, practicing state-of the art standards of care in the field of mental health.

TELL fulfills its mission by:
  • Create a vibrant, sustainable organization
  • Foster growth and development of all staff and stakeholders
  • Embrace diversity with compassion and respect
  • Communicate with outside organizations to bring value and talent into TELL




  • 持続可能で活気のある組織
  • 団体の活動に関わるすべての人の成長と向上を促進する
  • 慈しみと尊敬の心で多様性を受け入れる
  • 他団体との情報交換を通じて、組織に価値と才能を取り入れる

This event has ended.