Real Event
Panel Discussion on Career Development in the Legal and Certified Public Accountant Professions
Date : November 13, 2018
Time : 6.30pm - Doors open
Cost : JPY 5,000
Time : 6.30pm - Doors open
Cost : JPY 5,000
Women in Law Japan is excited to announce a special event on Tuesday 13th November 2018 co-sponsored with IWIRC and JILA’s Diversity Study Group. We are holding a panel discussion with partners of law firms, an in-house general counsel, and a member of the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants as speakers, to provide an opportunity to hear frank opinions and advice on career development. This event is open to all genders.
We are expecting a full house so please register early to avoid any disappointment.
We would like to thank Anderson Mori & Tomotsune for kindly hosting this event and look forward to seeing you there.
Women In Law Japan, IWIRC 及び JILA ダイバーシティー研究会の共催により、2018 年 11 月 13 日 (火)に開催する特別イベントについてご案内いたします。このイベントでは、法律業界の法律事務所パートナーや企業内弁護士でいらっしゃるジェネラル・カウンセル、さらには公認会計士協会からのパネリストもお迎えし、キャリア形成に関する率直なご意見やアドバイスを頂ける機会となっております。メールによる事前の申込みにより、性別を問わずご参加いただけます。満席になることが予想されますので、お早目にお申込みください。
Noriko Umeki
Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata LLC; Chair, PR Networking Expert Committee, Council for Promotion of Female Accountants, Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants; Certified Public Accountant
As a certified public accountant in Japan, Noriko Umeki has been providing audit and advisory services to Japanese and non-Japanese corporations for more than 25 years. Noriko, as the chair of the PR Networking Expert Committee, Council for Promotion of Female Accountants of the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (JICPA), hosted the first nationwide event for female members in 2017. She serves as the Diversity Promotion Leader at PwC Japan Group.
Mari Hiraizumi
Director and Head of Legal, Boehringer Ingelheim Japan, Inc.; Attorney-at-Law admitted in Japan and New York
Prior to becoming an in-house lawyer in 2007, Mari Hiraizumi worked at a law firm and served as a fixed-term official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Currently she is responsible for legal, intellectual property and compliance within her company. Deputy President, Japan In-House Lawyers Association (JILA).
Yuri Sugano
Partner, Nishimura & Asahi; Vice President, IWIRC Japan
Admitted to practice law in Japan in 2003. Prior to joining Nishimura & Asahi in 2007, Yuri Sugano worked at a leading law firm in Osaka.
Partner in 2016. Yuri received her LL.M. from New York University School of Law in 2012. She focuses on the labor law area, including advice on labor law and representation in labor disputes, as well as M&A, corporate restructuring and insolvency, and her strength is not only domestic matters but also cross-border transactions, in various areas. Yuri also provides and authors numerous seminars and articles on “work-style reforms.”
Moderator: Rika Beppu
Partner, Registered Foreign Lawyer (UK Law), Squire Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo Houritsu Jimusho (Squire Patton Boggs); President, Women in Law Japan
Rika Beppu started her career as a corporate/M&A lawyer in London, UK, and became the founding managing partner of a UK international law firm’s Tokyo office in 2001. She has continued to be engaged in M&A and JV matters for Japanese and non- Japanese corporations. Rika also serves as the chairman of Legal Services Committee, European Business Council in Japan (EBC), a director of the Lawyers for LGBT and Allies Network, auditor of Asia Society Japan Center and other positions. Her role as the founding president of Women in Law Japan will come to an end in December 2018.
Rika is preparing to pass on the torch to the incoming president.
Opening Remarks: Yuri Ide
Co-Chair, IWIRC Japan; Partner, Anderson Mori & Tomotsune
Yuri Ide provides advice to Japanese and non-Japanese corporations, financial institutions and investment funds in restructuring, M&A, litigation and crisis management matters especially with cross-border aspects. Ms. Ide is a founding menus of the Japan chapter of the International Women’s Insolvency and Restructuring Confederation (IWIRC) in 2012.
We are expecting a full house so please register early to avoid any disappointment.
We would like to thank Anderson Mori & Tomotsune for kindly hosting this event and look forward to seeing you there.
Women In Law Japan, IWIRC 及び JILA ダイバーシティー研究会の共催により、2018 年 11 月 13 日 (火)に開催する特別イベントについてご案内いたします。このイベントでは、法律業界の法律事務所パートナーや企業内弁護士でいらっしゃるジェネラル・カウンセル、さらには公認会計士協会からのパネリストもお迎えし、キャリア形成に関する率直なご意見やアドバイスを頂ける機会となっております。メールによる事前の申込みにより、性別を問わずご参加いただけます。満席になることが予想されますので、お早目にお申込みください。
Noriko Umeki
Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers Aarata LLC; Chair, PR Networking Expert Committee, Council for Promotion of Female Accountants, Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants; Certified Public Accountant
As a certified public accountant in Japan, Noriko Umeki has been providing audit and advisory services to Japanese and non-Japanese corporations for more than 25 years. Noriko, as the chair of the PR Networking Expert Committee, Council for Promotion of Female Accountants of the Japanese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (JICPA), hosted the first nationwide event for female members in 2017. She serves as the Diversity Promotion Leader at PwC Japan Group.
Mari Hiraizumi
Director and Head of Legal, Boehringer Ingelheim Japan, Inc.; Attorney-at-Law admitted in Japan and New York
Prior to becoming an in-house lawyer in 2007, Mari Hiraizumi worked at a law firm and served as a fixed-term official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Currently she is responsible for legal, intellectual property and compliance within her company. Deputy President, Japan In-House Lawyers Association (JILA).
Yuri Sugano
Partner, Nishimura & Asahi; Vice President, IWIRC Japan
Admitted to practice law in Japan in 2003. Prior to joining Nishimura & Asahi in 2007, Yuri Sugano worked at a leading law firm in Osaka.
Partner in 2016. Yuri received her LL.M. from New York University School of Law in 2012. She focuses on the labor law area, including advice on labor law and representation in labor disputes, as well as M&A, corporate restructuring and insolvency, and her strength is not only domestic matters but also cross-border transactions, in various areas. Yuri also provides and authors numerous seminars and articles on “work-style reforms.”
Moderator: Rika Beppu
Partner, Registered Foreign Lawyer (UK Law), Squire Gaikokuho Kyodo Jigyo Houritsu Jimusho (Squire Patton Boggs); President, Women in Law Japan
Rika Beppu started her career as a corporate/M&A lawyer in London, UK, and became the founding managing partner of a UK international law firm’s Tokyo office in 2001. She has continued to be engaged in M&A and JV matters for Japanese and non- Japanese corporations. Rika also serves as the chairman of Legal Services Committee, European Business Council in Japan (EBC), a director of the Lawyers for LGBT and Allies Network, auditor of Asia Society Japan Center and other positions. Her role as the founding president of Women in Law Japan will come to an end in December 2018.
Rika is preparing to pass on the torch to the incoming president.
Opening Remarks: Yuri Ide
Co-Chair, IWIRC Japan; Partner, Anderson Mori & Tomotsune
Yuri Ide provides advice to Japanese and non-Japanese corporations, financial institutions and investment funds in restructuring, M&A, litigation and crisis management matters especially with cross-border aspects. Ms. Ide is a founding menus of the Japan chapter of the International Women’s Insolvency and Restructuring Confederation (IWIRC) in 2012.
This event has ended.