Real Event
A Career in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Date : September 18, 2018
Time : 18:30 to 21:00
Cost : JPY 5,000 (Student fee of JPY3,000)
Time : 18:30 to 21:00
Cost : JPY 5,000 (Student fee of JPY3,000)
Women in Law Japan and Hitotsubashi University Global Business Law Program are pleased to co-host a special presentation by Ms Janet Martinez of Stanford Law School on insights from her career in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution. Despite a busy schedule while visiting Tokyo, she has agreed to take time to give us this thoroughly worthwhile session!
Legal and business professionals spend a considerable part of their professional lives negotiating and resolving conflicts with a variety of constituents, including colleagues, suppliers, partners, clients, opposing counsel, government agencies, and the courts. Janet’s session will give you an opportunity to reflect on your own negotiation and conflict resolution experience as well as to consider future methodologies for both.
この度、WOMEN IN LAW は一橋大学法学研究科グローバルロー専攻との共催で、スタンフォード・ロースクールのジャネット・マルティネス先生による特別セミナーを開催いたします。当日は、マルティネス先生が専門分野とするネゴシエーションや紛争解決でのキャリア形成などについてお話しくださいます。多忙なスケジュールのなか、マルティネス先生が特別セッションを開催してくださることになり、多くの方々にとって貴重な機会となること間違いなし、です。
法務やビジネスのプロは、そのキャリアのうちの多くの部分を様々な人と交渉することになります。同僚、サプライヤー、取引先、クライアント、相手方弁護士、政府機関や裁判所など。 マルティネス先生のセッションでは、皆様ご自身の交渉経験を振り返り、どのような戦略が最も有効だったか、そして交渉の理論に照らし合わせた実践の機会となります。
This event is open to all Hitotsubashi graduate law students, WILJ members and supporters of all genders. For catering purposes, please RSVP by Tuesday, 11 September. We are expecting this event to be very popular, so we encourage you to register early. The event capacity is a total of 48 attendees.
本イベントは一橋大学大学院の全ての学生、及び女性に限らず、すべての性別の WILJ メンバーとサポーターの皆様にご参加いただけます。合計48席と席に限りがございますので、9 月 11 日(火)までにご登録頂けましたら幸いです。
The presentation will be in English, but questions from the floor are welcome in either English and in Japanese.
Ms Janet Martinez, Senior Lecturer of Law/Director, Gould Negotiation and Mediation Program/Co-Director, Gould Alternative Dispute Resolution Research Initiative, Stanford Law School Janet focuses her research and consulting on the lawyer’s role in negotiation, domestically and internationally; conflict resolution system design; facilitation of public disputes, particularly in the fields of international trade and the environment; negotiation and consensusbuilding training; and negotiation curriculum development for clients in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.
In addition to her role as director of the law school’s Gould Negotiation and Mediation Program, Professor Martinez is a senior consultant at the Consensus Building Institute in Cambridge, Mass., a nonprofit institution whose mission is to improve conflict resolution, and a consultant at Lax Sebenius, a negotiation consulting firm in Concord, Mass. Before joining the Stanford Law School faculty in 2002, she did research, writing, and teaching in various aspects of negotiation at Harvard University’s
graduate schools of business, law, and government and was senior counsel for the McKesson Corporation.
Legal and business professionals spend a considerable part of their professional lives negotiating and resolving conflicts with a variety of constituents, including colleagues, suppliers, partners, clients, opposing counsel, government agencies, and the courts. Janet’s session will give you an opportunity to reflect on your own negotiation and conflict resolution experience as well as to consider future methodologies for both.
この度、WOMEN IN LAW は一橋大学法学研究科グローバルロー専攻との共催で、スタンフォード・ロースクールのジャネット・マルティネス先生による特別セミナーを開催いたします。当日は、マルティネス先生が専門分野とするネゴシエーションや紛争解決でのキャリア形成などについてお話しくださいます。多忙なスケジュールのなか、マルティネス先生が特別セッションを開催してくださることになり、多くの方々にとって貴重な機会となること間違いなし、です。
法務やビジネスのプロは、そのキャリアのうちの多くの部分を様々な人と交渉することになります。同僚、サプライヤー、取引先、クライアント、相手方弁護士、政府機関や裁判所など。 マルティネス先生のセッションでは、皆様ご自身の交渉経験を振り返り、どのような戦略が最も有効だったか、そして交渉の理論に照らし合わせた実践の機会となります。
This event is open to all Hitotsubashi graduate law students, WILJ members and supporters of all genders. For catering purposes, please RSVP by Tuesday, 11 September. We are expecting this event to be very popular, so we encourage you to register early. The event capacity is a total of 48 attendees.
本イベントは一橋大学大学院の全ての学生、及び女性に限らず、すべての性別の WILJ メンバーとサポーターの皆様にご参加いただけます。合計48席と席に限りがございますので、9 月 11 日(火)までにご登録頂けましたら幸いです。
The presentation will be in English, but questions from the floor are welcome in either English and in Japanese.
Ms Janet Martinez, Senior Lecturer of Law/Director, Gould Negotiation and Mediation Program/Co-Director, Gould Alternative Dispute Resolution Research Initiative, Stanford Law School Janet focuses her research and consulting on the lawyer’s role in negotiation, domestically and internationally; conflict resolution system design; facilitation of public disputes, particularly in the fields of international trade and the environment; negotiation and consensusbuilding training; and negotiation curriculum development for clients in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors.
In addition to her role as director of the law school’s Gould Negotiation and Mediation Program, Professor Martinez is a senior consultant at the Consensus Building Institute in Cambridge, Mass., a nonprofit institution whose mission is to improve conflict resolution, and a consultant at Lax Sebenius, a negotiation consulting firm in Concord, Mass. Before joining the Stanford Law School faculty in 2002, she did research, writing, and teaching in various aspects of negotiation at Harvard University’s
graduate schools of business, law, and government and was senior counsel for the McKesson Corporation.
This event has ended.