Online Event

Ring in a peaceful and centered 2022 with a virtual yoga class

Date : January 13, 2022
Time : 12:00 – 13:00 JST
Join us for 60 minutes of yoga, stretching and meditation from the comfort of your home as Tom brings mindfulness to your lunch hour with an online class!

Women in Law Japan is delighted to invite you to join us for an exclusive online yoga session taught by bilingual Tokyo-based instructor Tom Wada. Born in Japan and raised in Chicago, Tom works with individuals and organizations on ways to reduce stress and realize mindfulness using yoga and breathing techniques to enhance productivity. Tom’s methodology integrates Ashtanga, Bikram and Hatha yoga as well as Vipassana meditation. Tom received his RYT200/RYT500 certification in Dharamsala, India.

Yoga not only brings flexibility to your body, but can help calm the mind and increase creativity in your life and work. Many studies have proven that yoga and meditation are great complements to a busy daily lifestyle. Tom’s unique English/Japanese instruction helps clients join Yang (energetic) and Yin (calming) giving life and body more power, direction and energy.

Please click HERE to RSVP!

Women in Law Japanが、東京を拠点に活動するバイリンガルのインストラクター、トム・ワダ先生によるオンラインの特別ヨガセッションにご招待します。日本生まれでシカゴ育ちのトム先生は、個人や組織を対象に、ヨガと呼吸法でストレス軽減とマインドフルネスをもたらすことによって生産性を向上させる方法を教えています。トム先生の方法では、アシュタンガヨガ、ビクラムヨガ、ハタヨガ、さらにヴィパサナ瞑想を組み合わせています。トム先生はインドのダラムシャーラーでRYT200/RYT500認定資格を取得しています。
