Real Event
Working mothers networking and sharing breakfast
Date : November 11, 2022
Time : 9:00 - 10:30, illy Café Kasumigaseki
Cost : JPY 1,500/1,500円
Time : 9:00 - 10:30, illy Café Kasumigaseki
Cost : JPY 1,500/1,500円

Women in Law Japan (WILJ) is pleased to announce our 5th annual working mothers networking and sharing get-together on Friday, 11th November 2022. We are excited that this year we will be returning to an in-person gathering.
WILJ welcomes its members to participate in this in-person event for working mothers and mothers‑to‑be in Tokyo. Please join us to catch up with friends (or to make new ones), air your concerns, or swap advice.
This event will be hosted by Jacky Scanlan-Dyas, Toshimi Itakura and Aramide Fields. In addition to their most important roles as moms, Aramide, a mother of three young kids (including a set of twins), is the Associate General Counsel for Autoliv Asia, and previously worked for the international law firm Morrison Foerster for 15 years in their San Diego and Tokyo offices. Toshimi, a mother of an eight‑year‑old boy, is the General Manager of the Legal Department of Sojitz Corporation, a leading international trading house, and has been with the company since 2005. Jacky, a mother to two teenage girls, leads the corporate transactions practice at Hogan Lovells, Tokyo, sits on the firm’s global M&A leadership committee, and is the co-lead for the global Manufacturing and Industrials sector group.
Our hosts will facilitate and guide the conversation to have an informal and relaxed discussion among peers. Following brief introductions and some fun questions for the group, participants themselves will help shape the narrative of this event. We will initially break into three groups depending on children’s ages, and then participants may move freely between groups.
(Participants are welcome to join any age group they wish.)
Group 1: Mothers‑to‑be and mothers with 0-5 year olds
Group 2: Mothers with 6-12 year olds
Group 3: Mothers with teenagers and above
Register for the event if you are:
– Seeking advice on how to raise children in Japan – whether you already have children, or even if you are thinking ahead;
– A parent with lots of parenting experience, whether in Japan or abroad – your advice will be much appreciated; or
– A working mama who wants to hang and chat with other moms!
This event is for networking and building community, as well as sharing stories.
Date Friday, 11th November 2022
Time 9:00 – 10:30
Venue illy Café Kasumigaseki
1st Floor Daido Seimei, Kasumigaseki Building, 1-4-2 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
*This venue is stroller friendly,
Cost JPY 1,500
*Seats are limited to 40 and available on a first come basis. RSVP by 13:00, 7th November 2022.
第5回目となるWomen in Law JapanのWorking mothers networking and sharingイベントを、2022年11月11日(金)に開催いたします。今年は対面式イベント に戻ることになり、大変うれしく思っています。
当イベントではジャッキー・スキャンラン=ダイアス、板倉寿美、およびアラミデ・フィールズの3名が幹事を務めます。アラミデ・フィールズは双子を含む3児の母親という重要な役割に加え、Autoliv Asiaのアソシエイトゼネラルカウンセルを務めています。Autoliv Asiaへ入社する以前は、モリソン・フォースター法律事務所のカリフォルニア 州サンディエゴ事務所および東京事務所を拠点としながら15年間に渡り業務に従事してまいりました。板倉寿美は8歳の男の子の母親であるとともに、世界を牽引する総合商社、双日株式会社の法務部長として活躍しています。2005年から同社でのキャリアをスタートさせました。10代の姉妹の母親であるジャッキー・スキャンラン=
① 妊産中または0歳~5歳のお子様をお持ちの方
② 6歳~12歳のお子様をお持ちの方
③ 13歳以上のお子様をお持ちの方
開催日時 2022年11月11日(金)
会場 illy Café 霞ヶ関店
東京都千代田区霞が関1-4-2 大同生命ビル 1F
会費 1,500円
日程 9:00 – 10:30