INSPIRE INCLUSION: A Path Towards our Gender Equal Future
Time : 17:30-20:30
Cost : Free

In celebration of International Women’s Day, Women in Law Japan (WILJ), with the generosity of Anderson Mori & Tomotsune, JERA and K&L Gates, and supported by our collaborators, is pleased to present this panel discussion and in-person networking event on inspiring inclusion which is the IWD theme for 2024: #InspireInclusion
Due to unprecedented popularity of this event, our venue is unable to accommodate all of the people who signed up. We truly appreciate and are humbled by our community’s support!
We have reached full capacity. In the theme of this year’s IWD event, #inspireinclusion, we have decided to host this event as a hybrid event, so that everyone can attend and hear the stories of our wonderful panel of speakers. Please note that online participation will be for the panel discussion only, and there will be no online access to the networking portion of the event.
Please register before March 14, 2024 by filling out the form* below to be able to attend the event online.
*By filling out this form you provide us consent to use and transfer your information, photograph taken in the event to our sponsors, co-organizers and partners to be used for purposes which are necessary and/or incidental to this event.
国際女性デー(IWD)を記念して、Women in Law Japan(WILJ)は、アンダーソン・毛利・友常法律事務所,(株)JERA及びK&L Gates外国法共同事業法律事務所のご厚意、そしてコラボレーターの皆様のご協力のもと、2024年のIWDのテーマである「#InspireInclusion (インスパイア・インクルージョン)」について、パネルディスカッションと対面交流会を開催いたします。
対面での参加が叶わない方々へはInspire Inclusivityという今年の国際女性デーのテーマに則り、オンラインでの参加の機会を新たに設けることと致しました。 オンラインでのご参加はパネル・ディスカッションのみとなり、ネットワーキングへのオンライン参加はございませんのでご了承ください。
オンライン参加のリンクは3月14日までの下記のリンクよりお申込み頂きました方へ別途メールにて共有させて頂きます。 下記のリンクにてお申込みください。
*By filling out this form you provide us consent to use and transfer your information, photograph taken in the event to our sponsors, co-organizers and partners to be used for purposes which are necessary and/or incidental to this event.