WILJ Mentoring Program 2023
WILJ メンタリング 2023
The program is open to qualified or unqualified lawyers working in-house or private practice. We also want to open up the program to law students and anyone who is studying for the bar. We welcome all genders.
Please also feel free to share with your friends and colleagues who may be interested in the program.
The deadline for signing up is 30 April 2023.
After the close date of 30 April, we will match up the mentors and mentees and announce the pairs at the summer sizzle event.
For this year’s program, in order to encourage the communication between mentors and mentees, we are planning to do 2 things:
1. We’ll send a reminder email to mentees occasionally to encourage them to communicate with their mentors. Of course, mentees are free to communicate with their mentors at any time, but we hope that our reminder emails will prompt their actions.
2. We’ll organize some networking events and skills workshop mainly targeting the mentoring program participants. We’ll provide more information at the announcement of pairs.
If you have any questions, please contact us at mentoring@womeninlawjapan.org
Sign Up Here
この度Women in Law Japanは、2023年度メンタリングプログラムの参加者募集を開始いたしました。
1. 折に触れてメンティーにリマインダーメールを送信し、メンターとのコミュニケーションを促します。勿論、メンティーはいつでも自由にメンターに連絡できるようにはなっていますが、このメールがアクションを起こす良いきっかけになれば幸いです。
2. プログラム参加者を主な対象としたネットワーキングイベントやスキルワークショップの開催を予定しております。詳細はペア発表時にお知らせいたします。
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