Legal operations 101 – Resources

Reimagine | Digitalize | transform | THE PRACTICE OF LAW

We were thrilled to have so many sign up and join us online for the WILJ x JERA-sponsored Legal Operations 101 event late last month.

If you were not able to join you can click the below link to receive access to the recording from the direct link below. Please note this is accessible only with the password which we have provided below. This will expire on 16 August.

Two panelists also have kindly agreed to share their PPT materials with us so big thanks to Jodie Baker at Xakia and Akiko Kawaguchi at Chiyoda Corporation. We hope these help everyone with their business case for dedicated legal operations in their organisation.

As everyone knows, WILJ is a volunteer network and hours and hours of work went in to bring this event to you. In places the quality of the Zoom recording is patchy due to unstable WiFi connections. We received 99% positive feedback from members who attended however we also received feedback from just two people that the quality of the connection affected their interaction with the event on line. We do apologise to them for that and we also hope that we can all understand that delivering content for members on line with the tech available to a voluntary community, can be challenging and we will continue to work on this.

Link to recording:
Password: ^!p9fU3iRt%v
This URL Expires on August 16, 2022

Akiko Kawaguchi Powerpoint Presentation

PowerPoint Presentation

Jodie Baker Powerpoint Presentation Image below